BSPlib related papers

This page contains references to papers concerning the implementation of the Oxford BSP toolset. The papers are grouped as follows:

A large collection of BSP related papers from colleagues at Oxford can also be found in the SEL-HPC Article archive.

Introductory papers on BSP Programming

  1. ``BSPlib: The BSP Programming Library'' Jonathan M. D. Hill, Bill McColl, Dan C. Stefanescu, Mark W. Goudreau, Kevin Lang, Satish B. Rao, Torsten Suel, Thanasis Tsantilas, and Rob Bisseling. Parallel Computing, to appear 1998 [see also Technical report PRG-TR-29-97, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, May 1997. (Compressed Postscript with ANSI C examples, 142K; Compressed Postscript with Fortran 77 examples, 141K; html links)]

  2. ``Questions and answers about BSP'' David B. Skillicorn, Jonathan M. D. Hill and W. F. McColl. Journal of Scientific Programming, Volume 6, number 3, Fall 1997. [See also Technical Report PRG-TR-15-96, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, August 1996 (Compressed Postscript, 193K; html abstract)

  3. ``Portability of performance with the BSPlib communications library'' Jonathan M.D. Hill, Stephen R. Donaldson, and David B. Skillicorn. In Programming Models for Massively Parallel Computers, (MPPM'97), IEEE Computer Society Press, November 1997 (Compressed Postscript, 89K; html abstract)

  4. ``Scalable Computing'' W. F. McColl. In J van Leeuwen, editor, Computer Science Today: Recent Trends and Developments, number 1000 in Lecture notes in Computer Science, pages 41-61. Springer-Verlag, 1996. (Compressed Postscript)

Papers on the implementation of the toolset

  1. ``BSP Clusters: high performance, reliable and very low cost'' Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M.D. Hill, and David B. Skillicorn. Technical Report PRG-TR-5-98, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, September 1998. (Compress Postscript, 271K) [submitted to a special issue of Parallel Computing on cluster computing]

  2. ``Predictable Communication on Unpredictable Networks: Implementing BSP over TCP/IP'' Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M.D. Hill, and David B. Skillicorn. In EuroPar'98, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, September 1998 [see also Technical Report PRG-TR-40-97, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, November 1997. (Compressed Postscript, 328K; html abstract)]

  3. ``Process migration and fault tolerance of BSPlib programs running on Networks of Workstations'' (distinguished paper) Jonathan M.D. Hill, Stephen R. Donaldson, and Tim Lanfear. In EuroPar'98, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, September 1998 [see also Technical Report PRG-TR-41-97, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, December 1997. (Compress Postscript, 109K)]

  4. ``Communication Performance Optimisation Requires Minimising Variance'' Stephen R. Donaldson, Jonathan M.D. Hill, and David B. Skillicorn. In High Perfomance Computing and Networking (HPCN'98), LNCS , Springer-Verlag, April 1998. [Also available as Technical Report PRG-TR-39-97, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, November 1997 (Compressed Postscript, 100K; html abstract)]

  5. ``Stability of communication performance in practice: from the Cray T3E to Networks of Workstations'' Jonathan M.D Hill, Stephen Donaldson, and David B. Skillicorn. Technical Report PRG-TR-33-97, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, October 1997. (Compressed Postscript, 336K; html abstract))

  6. ``Lessons learned from implementing BSP'' Jonathan M.D Hill and David B. Skillicorn. In journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 13, No 4--5, pages 327-335, March 1998. Also available in High Perfomance Computing and Networking (HPCN'97), LNCS 1225, pages 762--771, Springer-Verlag, April 97. [See also Technical Report PRG-TR-21-96, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, November 1996. (Compressed Postscript, 84K, html abstract)]

  7. ``Practical barrier synchronisation'' Jonathan M. D. Hill and David B. Skillicorn. In 6th EuroMicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing (PDP'98). IEEE Computer Society Press, January 1998. [See also Technical Report 16-96, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, August 1996. (Compressed Postscript, 76K)]

Papers on the Oxford BSP toolset profiling tools

  1. ``Analysing an SQL application with a BSPlib call-graph profiling tool'' Jonathan M.D. Hill, Stephen Jarvis, Constantinos Siniolakis, and Vasil P. Vasilev. In EuroPar'98, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, September 1998.

  2. ``Portable and architecture independent parallel performance tuning using a call-graph profiling tool'' Jonathan M.D. Hill, Stephen Jarvis, Constantinos Siniolakis, and Vasil P. Vasilev. In 6th EuroMicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing (PDP'98). IEEE Computer Society Press, January 1998. [See also Technical Report 17-97, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, May 1997. (html document; Compressed Postscript, 284K)]

  3. ``The theory, practice, and a tool for BSP performance prediction'' Jonathan M. D. Hill, Paul I Crumpton, and David A. Burgess. In EuroPar'96, number 1124 in LNCS, pages 697-705. Springer-Verlag, August 1996 (Compressed Postscript, 531K) [See also Technical Report 4-96, Programming Research Group, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, February 1996. (Compressed/PostScript, 356K); (html abstract) ]

High-level libraries built upon BSPlib

  1. ``Architecture-independent locality analysis and efficient PRAM simulations'' David S. Lecomber, K. Ronald Sujithan, and Jonathan M. D. Hill. In High Perfomance Computing and Networking (HPCN'97), Springer-Verlag, April 97.

  2. ``Collection types for database programming in the BSP model.'' K. Ronald Sujithan and Jonathan M. D. Hill. In 5th EuroMicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing (PDP'97). IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997. (Compressed/PostScript, 130K); (html abstract)

Jonathan Hill
Last updated: 26 July 1999